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"Stop seeing the doctor as god and instead see God as the Doctor!"

"For the midnight assassin, we have the rope and the gallows; for the robber we have the penitentiary, for the murder of our children by the thousands we have neither reprobation nor punishments."

GEMS is an Health-EducationConsultation and Ministry Service.

"There are many ways ideas, and methods of health, but only one way God approves."

With the alarming rise and death rate due to the many health problems that plague man today, especially among african-Americans, many of which are preventable and are reversible by impmementing basic and simple natural remedies and lifestyle changes and preventing unhealthful living and eating patterns and utilizing natural treatments.



         8 Doctors Who Still Make House Calls
Trust in God
Click on individual videos above to watch

We present

    *Principles of Health Educational Seminars

and informative Presentations that are beneficial to having optimal Health and well being following God’s free, Natural Principles of health:

 *Correct Nutrition,

 *Exercise, Water, Sunshine,

 *Temperance, (moderation in good things)

 *Fresh Air,


 *And Trust in God, and Attitude of Gratitude

   and benevolence.



"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

                          ~Jeremiah 33:3.


"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and and be in health, just as your soul prospers."              ~3 John:2

*Free Blood pressure/blood Glucose checks

*Health Screenings

*Simple Natural Remedies you can do at home.

*Health Lectures

*Educational Seminars

 No Health Insurance?


Try Heavens Health Assurance!


No side effects or adverse reactions

and it's free!



                (314) 915-0913


"Pure air, sunlight, temperance [abstemiousness], rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in Divine power, these are the true remidies. Every person should have knowldge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential to understand the principles in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training tha will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." Ministry of Healing, p. 127, E.G.White.




"God's Law is built into every cell, nerve and fiber. Violation of that law involves consequences whether willingly, ignorantly or presumptous."



Click videos to watch
Fried Potatoes and Acrylamide
Statin Drugs and Natural Remedies
Know what You are Putting in Yo' Body!
Click Videos to Watch
Heart Issues
Click Videos to Watch
Real Talk Intro to Videos
Start Your Day With Lemon Water
Toxic Ingredients in Your Food
Final Crisis
Common Sense stuff for Yo' Head and Body!


Toxic Air Freshners Part 1
Toxic Air Freshners Part 2


​© 2013 by Keith Lawrence

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Go to youtube channel: gems natural health center 3 Angels
message and watch live medical missionary classes each Sabbath at 3pm -5pm cst.

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